Unity Pictures and MojoPlex presents Kolkata’s 1st Sitcom “Panchphoron’s” which is streaming on MojoPlex from 27th May 2022. Directed by Indranil Banerjee this web series stars Paran Bondopadhay, Samya Samadder, Arka Bhattacharjee, Sumit Pramanik, Subhashis Sikdar, Sounak Ray, Rajrani Das, Priyanka Bose and Subhranil Samaddar.
The sitcom has an interesting storyline that revolves around a typical messbari in North Kolkata. The owner is an old man named Dhaneshwar Pachal who loves watching daily soaps and sipping country liquor. Owner Dhaneshwar has some rules set for the tenants and one of them is no girls are allowed inside the house. The mess bari has 5 young tenants who are from different backgrounds- a researcher, singer, a guy working at a café, a photographer, budding actor and an employee whose boss always keeps him on edge. These young guys often cause trouble for the owner. While Dhaneshwar is determined to force these young fellows to follow his rules, they are in no mood to obey him. It creates a laugh riot and takes the viewers on an interesting journey.