Glass splinters
Padmini’s ‘Glass splinters’ is a constellation of poems in various forms and colors; the masterpiece is any reader’s delight. Sharma has added fiery wings to her saga of love and life for her readers to soar uninter -rupted with their unclipped wings. Padmini minces no words while describing a lover’s wrath or their magnanimity. She indulges and soaks her pen in the ink of love, perhaps thrives on it soulfully; in the process, she expects her readers to come out of their cocoons and show up with hope.
Most of the lines are uncut, unedited and uncensored. Dutta Sharma never hesitates to experiment with different forms of atypical poems, most of which are her own innovation. She scores over her contem -poraries by her raw and unpolished trademark style.
‘Glass splinters’ is printed, published and distributed worldwide by Amazon USA and priced at $5.77.
About the writer
Padmini Dutta Sharma is an Indian born poet that thrives on variety and atypical style. A Master’s in English from the University of Calcutta who believes in churning out raw truth about love and life in general. Sharma started tinkering with poems after her short stories and novels made headlines.
Padmini is essentially a romantic at heart, therefore her poems on unrequited love are the best but she has also penned the agonies and bereavements of old people with equal tenacity and emotion.
Born in a bureaucratic family she felt stifled and discriminated at times and in order to give vent to those suppressed emotions of anger and pain, she started penning her thoughts in no uncertain terms. Having experienced life from a very close angle, her thoughts are not limited to the typical, which has subjected her to many contro versies. She believes a woman has an equal right to fall in love innumerable times and seek bodily pleasure irrespective of her age and circumstances without being ques -tioned or lectured. Women must live life on their own terms and not remain subjugated to please her partner. A woman is not a sex toy that is born to satisfy men’s unholy libido.
Sharma is a globetrotter who shuttles between India, US and different European countries.
‘Glass splinters’ is her 11th book. Padmini has written books of different genres both in fiction and nonfiction that range from poems, short stories, novels to essays. Most of her books are hugely popular and run into multiple editions. Sharma’s books have received rare reviews from various literary fraternities.
Apart from being a writer, Padmini is also a short film maker, a columnist, editor and real life counsellor. Her training sessions run worldwide and hugely applauded.