F5IFF’24: A Historic Celebration of New Age Cinema at the National Library of India gets started

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Kolkata, India – (August 2024 )- Fest5, in collaboration with the National Library of India and in association with the West Bengal Pollution Control Board has started the first-ever F5 International Film Festival at the prestigious National Library of India auditorium. This groundbreaking event marks the first film festival in the 188-year history of the National Library an institution revered by bibliophiles worldwide. F5IFF’24 is overwhelmed to receive more than 150 films from 139 countries. The festival has painstakingly curated 12 films for the screening at the festival. It was inaugurated by Moonmoon Sen, Tnusree Chakraborty, Rathin Kanji, Dr Kalyan Rudra ( Chairman , West Bengal Polution Control Board ),Sourav De, Founder-director of F5IFF24. It will be on till 4 August, 2024.
