BNCCI in association with Techno India Group conducted an Education conclave at the 34th Industrial India Trade Fair

Kolkata: BNCCI in association with Eastern India‘s renowned Techno India Group(TIG) are privileged for conducting the education conclave at the 34th Industrial India Trade fair. The theme was “The Importance of Edu Tourism in Developing the nation”. BNCCI in association with Techno India Group, geared up to address eminent personalities from all walks of life at the conclave.
BNCCI in association with Techno India Group powerfully supports education in every forum and it feels such a conclave can be a nationwide initiative for endowing students with a platform to accept the new changes in the education system. The challenges faced by this sector have been recognised and their solutions were efficiently addressed.
BNCCI, the oldest indigenous Chamber in India was established on 2nd February 1887. BNCCI actively plays a leading role in policy debates that are at the forefront of the society, economy, and essential to the development of industry, trade & commerce.
Dr.Arpan Mitra, President of Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industry envisioned this fortuity, strongly supporting every new initiative to move ahead.
TIG has become the forerunner in offering the most advanced courses and has created a niché for itself as a leader in this unique field of approach .TIG’s pursuit of excellence is driven by the dreams of its founder Chairman Prof. Goutam Roychowdhury and Co-Chairman Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury, who as unique entrepreneurs not only think about the growth of their enterprise but also about the society around them and the very nation they belong to.
Educational Tourism has a broader scope that is ever widening with the evolution of the concept of tourism itself. The positive impact that it has on its economic growth as well as its non- monotonic contingent of the educational tourism were considered. The output of quality research and the development of information and communication technology were discussed.
His excellency, Mr. Debashis Sen, the Hon’able Chairman of NKDA & MD of HIDCO, Govt of West Bengal & Ms.Rowan Ainsworth, Australia Consul- general graced the occasion as a chief guest & guest of honour.They delivered motivating speeches on the Importance of Edu Tourism in developing the nation.
Shri,Madan Mitra, well renowned politician graced the forum with his speech .
Eminent personalities from various walks of life like Dr.Saikat Maitra, Mr. Bidyut Majumder, Ms.Pauline Laravoire & Mr.Iftekhar Ahsan were present at the Education conclave. Their inspiring words were motivational.
Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury,Co-Chairman of Techno India Group & Chairperson, Education Standing Committee, BNCCI expressed her view of identifying the challenges ahead in the field of education where TIG as a whole can contribute to the cause of the nation. She expressed that Edu Tourism is a tool to enhance the curriculum by allowing the students to better grasp and retain the concept of learning by doing. She quoted that every new challenge has to be accepted and implemented wisely in the path of education. Edu Tourism, she believes, promotes engagement levels, builds confidence and teamwork and creates connections. According to her, innovation is any change big or small that creates a difference and leaves an indelible mark. She wishes people to explore, evolve and empower others with their examples.